Originally Posted By: Revlgking
AR II, to my last comment I will add: As a minister--one who serves where needed--all my long ministry, I was very much involved in, and a part of, non-sectarian groups of social activists--social internets, long before what we now call the Internet.

We advocated, enthusiastically, for social justice--Health care for all, meaningful employment, and other justice issues. Justice for all classes, but especially for the needy and the working poor. Some of those who participated in the political economy, did so by taking a leave of absence from the church, and then were free to run for public office.

Naturally for this, more than once, we were attacked for speaking our views against bigoted religions, corrupt politics, abuse of the environment, the economy, and other vital issues.

In all this, we always welcomed, and received with respect, fair-comments and openly expressed and honest opinions of anyone. However, what was not welcomed was the attacks of:THE COWARDS WHO LOVE TO WEAR THE CLOAK OF ANONYMITY

Who would welcome the anonymous phone calls and unsigned letters--often containing violent and life-threatening language--that go with being an advocate.

Several of us had our cars rendered unsafe for driving, more than once. I once has a front wheel fall off, but fortunately, I was driving slowly when it happened.

A favourite threat was the use of a telegram with the message:
We look forward to you joining us, soon ... and was signed by several well-known and long-deceased people, like Caesar Augustus, Hitler, John Kennedy, Martin L. King, and the like.

Really reverend? You carry that much fear in you because of the past, that you cannot live in the present moment?
You would group anyone claiming anonymity here, or speaking their mind in reference to your reverence and decrees of Godlike behavior as a threat to you and Saggo?

Evidently your God cannot give you peace.

There are always arguments on both sides of opinion. History has shown that violence does not just come from criminals, but from those who claim to be loving and righteous.

Fear and paranoia always preclude sensibility and intelligence.

Generally speaking it is not the anonymous who create the most trouble, but those who seek to protect their power and name.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!