Originally Posted By: Revlgking
TO ALL SAGOGO readers and writers: How many curious scientists, philosophers, clergy, educators, thinkers, and whoever among us have heard of the work of PATRICIA SMITH CUMBERLAND--born in British Columbia in 1943?
I first heard of her on our tax-supported CBC--commercial-free radio. Currently, she is professor emerita at the PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT, University of California, San Diago.

Today in the morning paper, THE NATIONAL POST, I was pleasantly surprised to see a summary, by her, of her latest book, Touching a Nerve. Here it is:
I have no soul (and I’m okay with that)

BTW, so am I okay with that: IMO, I do not have a SOUL, MIND, SPIRIT (SMS); I AM A SMS; I happen to have a brain & body. But I could also say: I am a SELF.

Now about her life and work, check out:


In summarizing her new book, Patricia Cumberland refers to herself as a 'neurophilosopher'--obviously demonstrating that new ideas require the invention of new words--and tells us that when she reflects on the matter,
I realize that my memory is all about the neurons in my brain. Lately, in fact, I've come to think about my brain in more intimate terms--as me,
full stop.
If I get the time, perhaps I should write her and ask:

"Patricia, I am sure you must know...and do you? I will presume you do know that the ancient Egyptians--and many others after them--had the same feeling about the heart as you now have of the brain, OK?"

I would also ask Patricia:
Have you heard of the work of the neurologist and reseacher, Shawn Mikula? I knew him when he was a student at John's Hopkins, Baltimore, MD. Since then, he has done research in the US and in Germany--


Shawn and I shared the following idea: The brain is a component. The core part of it is in the skull. However, via the nervous system, it does extend to every cell in the soma. He published a lot of my stuff on his pages.

It is my personal belief and experience that wirelessly, like modern radios and phones, the brain does extend its "miracle-like" influence--for good, or evil-- beyond the confines of the soma.

I have my own evidence for this--I claim it saved my life, and the lives of others, more than once. I have also used it to help people pass on, peacefully.

Of course, I am open and willing to have a dialogue about this with anyone interested.

BTW. Jan 13, 2010--In response to a query I made Dr. Mikula said,
Hey Lindsay, the brainmeta site started as mind-brain.com, which grew out of a simple personal homepage that i made in 2001. The forum began on Jan 23, 2003.
Yes, I was a student at hopkins at the time. i'm glad you remember.

Congrats on turning the big 8-0. Hope you celebrate in a fitting way. Btw, that's not so old... wait til you hit triple digits.

Shawn was born Feb. 28, 1976

In http://brainmeta.com/index.php?p=mikula
In harmony with the topic of this long-running thread: 'Philosophy of Religion ...' thread, may I go back awhile and acknowledge the life and work of another acclaimed BC writer, ECKHART TOLLE, and writes about what makes us who we are. Here's some info about him:


As I see it, we are not just a jumble of separate parts--just so many bits and pieces. We are a complex combination of components--essential parts.

For example, the heart is a component; however an arm, or a leg is a part: Generally speaking, the Soma, Psyche and Pneuma (Greek for Body, Mind and Spirit) are components--we need all three, working in harmony, to be fully human. A three-legged stool needs all three pods. Two-legged stools have no real value.

Now, with the help of the writings of Echart Tolle (2004), let us explore what he tells us about his journey to AWARENESS and peace of mind when he writes:
"Until my thirtieth year, I lived in a state of almost continuous anxiety interspersed with periods of suicidal depression. It feels now as if I am talking about some past lifetime or somebody else's life..."
See his book, The Power of NOW, p.3.

This comment inspires me to ask soooooooo.... many questions; but, for now, I will limit the number to the following few:

1) Anxiety and depression. Who among us, at one time or another, has not felt very anxious and/or depressed?

2) Right now, is there any among us who lives in a state of being that is one of almost continuous anxiety; one of absolute dread, and is utterly devoid of meaning and peace of mind? Anyone?

3) Anyone who has been through the same kind of crisis as described by Tolle, below, and who now has some idea what it means to be conscious of the NOW? In addition, I ask:

3) Has anyone among us ever gone through the kind of mysterious and intense experience as that described by Echart (p.5): He writes
I knew, of course, that something profoundly significant had happened to me, but I did not understand it at all...until several years later...the intense pressure of suffering ... What was left then was my true nature as the ever-present I am...consciousness in its pure state...Later I also learned to go into that timeless and deathless realm...states of indescribable bliss...a time came when I was left with nothing...no relationships, no job, no home, no socially defined identity.

I spent almost two years sitting on a park bench in a state of the most intense joy. But even the most beautiful experiences come and go...But the undercurrent of peace has never left me...Before I knew it, I had an external identity again. I had become a spiritual teacher...
More questions:
4) Is there anyone reading this above who relates to Tolle's story, and who has also become fully conscious of the NOW?

5) How can we become fully, and truly, conscious and spiritual beings--ones beyond being puppets manipulated by the mind (the psyche) and the body (the soma)--the source of our pain and suffering?

6) Over and over again, Tolle makes the point that, "We are not just minds and bodies..." What do you think he means by this? This following link will help you find answers:

and you can search at:

by Revlgking (Tue Oct 16 2012 09:34 PM)

Sheesh. If I had written anything this long I would have been accused of being long winded and verbose..
Oh yeah... I was accused of being verbose for writing a long post like this.. wink

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!