Originally Posted By: Billy S.
I suppose Clarity is going to be a byproduct of comprehension.

Alternatively one could suppose, perhaps with some justification, that comprehension is a (by)product of clarity.
Sorry!? Could you be a bit more clear in how to present the perfect message so misunderstanding can be a thing we talk about as a thing of the past? I would love to see everyone find the perfect road to comprehension and perfection of communication.
I believe there is a clue to the answer you seek in the two sentences that reference the subject, in the first sentence.

Originally Posted By: William S

Planting clues instead of being specific does, I suppose, leave plenty of scope for wrong-footing anyone who might respond. That could be, as you say, "at the least, entertaining."
True, however I was being facetious.
The first sentence was specific to those things we do not like. I thought that was rather obvious. Sorry you didn't get that without further information.
However, as long as lines of communication are open and not shut, clarity can be achieved thru the exploration of expression. Dialogue without the impedance of fluctuating hormones, psychosis, or lack of objectivity and patience don'tcha know. wink
One might get lucky and really get to understand life!?

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!