Obviously there are differing opinions regarding trolls when it comes to moderators.
Being that you have an agenda to advertize Lindsay King via wondercafe and flf, and turn all topics of conversation to a history of Lindsay King and his personal beliefs, the troll application was almost applied, as you say... "gently" with the intent of removing this forum topic (until the untimely death of the moderator).

Being that the current moderator is less invested in your activities than the previous one, (other than to curb the verbal abuse in using ad-hominems as a form of dialogue) you have been allowed to troll with a simple warning to be polite.

I've been to wondercafe and seen a similar pretense in the engagement of conversation as you have brought to this forum.
You advertize yourself and the topics of discussion you make claim to fame in association to in other forums, to try to draw attention to yourself.
The simple fact is, you need to apply the illusion that there is activity when there is little other than your own entries, due to the fact that few want to visit the repetitive call to attend to your need for attention.
Rather than to address the topic at hand from an objective point of view and have the discussion reflect the topic of conversation there is the repeated attempt to turn the discussion into a topic regarding the inventive nature of everything about rev.lgk, his profile and personal beliefs. whistle

A troll is a troll is a troll.

People try to define reality by their own standards and condemn anything outside of the personal reality. You entertain with the amusing pretense in righteousness to shame all outside of the rev.lgk box. This is what the leaders of the Christian Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition founded their reason and action upon to remove all obstacles in any opposing thought.

To you credentials are tantamount to the personal value and measure of self worth.

Humanity strives to be above such prejudice and judgment but people like you still parade the flag of righteousness and judgment to try to remove the fear of the unknown and to control the world around them.

Religions like the Jehovahs Witnesses, the Mormons and the Catholic Church try to influence all belief and thought, to funnel it into one way of thinking, and to condemn all that do not follow suit by shaming those others in the threat of eternal damnation.

You hide behind platitudes of self made acronyms and personal measure rev.
Your kind are going the way of the dinosaur as those who want to make the world bigger than those who live under the imagined threat of what cannot be controlled or defined by the personal measure.
A new generation which wants to explore the unknown rather than attempt to define everything into a limited past definition of reality, (while trying to gather numbers to fortify the castle of belief against fear) is constantly emerging.
You along with those like you, will not realize it, or survive to see it, any more than those of the past who tried to stamp their definitions of reality into permanence could survive the grave. cry

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!