Originally Posted By: bgmark
Yes but before the rapture there is also predicted in the Bible a nuclear war, and america is the 'land of unwalled villages' that will be invaded. This rapture occurs after the war, and with all american cities having no exits they will be easy targets. This will instantly vapourise people in the immediate vacinity of the blast, but further out they will suffer third, second and first degree burns.

Hiya bgmark,

Still waiting for you to substantiate what you have said.

This is what is said about the land of unwalled villages:

"I will invade a land of unwalled villages, I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people – all of them living without gates and bars."

'Peaceful', 'unsuspecting'? Do you really think that could be describing America?

1. How do you know that your references are talking about some time soon?

2 How do you know it is talking about a nuclear war?

3 How do you know that America is involved?

Have you really thought this through or are you just going on what someone has told you?
