I like to think of myself as an independent thinker. This is why I like the following site:

If you are searching for the security of rigid answers to the BIG questions of life, this isn't the right site for you. Many other sites can offer you traditional, absolute, and dogmatic formulas for faith.

What you will find here is a safe place to explore those questions with others who, like you, are willing to brave the unknown--a place where every idea, concept, ritual, and belief can be examined, where that which keeps us from living life freely and fully can be set aside, and where that which is worthy of our highest ideals can be upheld and celebrated.

Welcome to the journey, friend. Welcome.

Our 8 Points
Be sure and check out the 8 points.
The Gathering I attend is at:

Last edited by Revlgking; 02/26/07 06:39 AM.