For those curious about how the dialog--at CFI, with atheists/agnostics/sceptics and others, including theists--is going, here is sample of the dialog between Write4U and me - 09 July 2012 02:45 PM

After I told W4U about the Canadian Centre for Progressive Christianity here is what W4U said
RevLGKing, encouraging words indeed.

I perused the link and was pleasantly surprised by the liberal and progressive topics and responses. It gives me hope that eventual reconcilliation of science and religion is possible and the two can live peacefully side by side in pursuit of finding answers to the real problems that face the earth and mankind in the near future.

I responded
W4U, your encouraging response prompts me to ask: How can WE build on this, for the good of humanity?
W4U said
IMO, this can be accompished by removing the distinction between the concepts of Natural and Supernatural and accept the law of Cause/Effect as a common, testable universal constant.

Why quibble about the physical or metaphysical properties? Let science try to figure it out and let the chips fall where they may about First Causality. After all is said and done, it won’t change anything in regard to Effect.
So let me (LGK) put it this way
I have said it elsewhere and I will say it here: I choose to accept that the awesome nature of nature is super enough for all me.
W4U said
Oh, everytime I look up at the cosmos on a clear night in No Idaho. I am astounded and humbled by the sheer beauty of it all. The more I understand of simplicity and logic in the principles of mathematics which can be extended to infinite complexity.

Fractals are a perfect example. A triangle with an “instruction” to duplicate itself, can result in similarly astoundingly beautiful forms, expressions and variety on any scale from the very fabric of space at the Planck scale, to broccolis to measuring irregular lines (coastlines) with incredible accuracy, or the formation and shapes of entire galaxies, creating the most extraordinary beautiful, albeit mindless, design.
May I add: perhaps it is up to us to provide the mind, soul, spirit and the meaning of it all. After all, are we not the astronomers?;=&cp=1252&pi=7317&di=12500

Last edited by Revlgking; 07/11/12 07:39 PM. Reason: Always helpful

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT