While you're waving a flag to get attention, you may draw a look or two. However when you get close and examine the flag, and the flag waver only to find there is nothing of any real interest, you walk on.

Six million hits, 5,999,258 passing by.

With the flag waver posting 65% of the posts and 758 people responding out of the six million passers by, the facts and figures paint a dismal picture regarding the lack of interest in the flag and the waver. Also with the flag waver making regular visits to claim his fame and glory for the thread, you could probably guess who's responsible for the majority of the hits as he comes back to feed his narcissism, rereading his conversations as he dialogues with himself, fabricating an image to suit his own fancy.

Truly Rev. it is hard to be humble. Probably why you call yourself Reverend... If someone should show some reverence, to feed your need for attention, it might as well be you.

Regarding Aminius: No doubt from reading his posts on the Canadian Church website he seems interested in promoting a dialogue that is not centered around himself. Good for him. Such is a respectable way to dialogue that will draw interest and participation.
Though you previously made the comment that you were interested in drawing the attention to yourself, perhaps his example might show that spirituality is not centered in individuality that is wrapped around a singular personality.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!