Carl G. Jung: I know God exists

A young female student accused Jung of being an atheist. Jung was confused and asked the student where she had gotten that idea. The student paraphrased a quote she had read in which Jung said he didn’t believe God existed. Jung smiled and said:

Dear girl, rest easy. When we have a relationship to a particular thing or experience with it - belief/faith ceases to be a factor.

The truth is this, I have had the experience of being gripped by something that is stronger than myself, something that people call God. So, I will never say that believe that God exists. I must say I know God exists.

—Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self

See also: C.G. Jung & Gnosis (larger context, better audio)
As Violet Staub De Laszlo, the editor of "The Basic Writings Of C.G. Jung" points out in the Introduction page viii: "Jung laid the groundwork for the psychology of the spirit."

Spirit? In my opinion, it is that which, for better or for worse, makes us who we are. Not only do we have bodies and minds, we are spiritually-aware, self-aware and distinctly-different individuals, or persons.

It is said that no two snow flakes, or two gains of sand, are exactly alike. The same is certainly true for us as rational, sentient human and humane beings.

FEEL FREE TO ADD what you feel about your own spirituality.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org