Originally Posted By: Revlgking
Originally Posted By: Tutor Turtle
Went there and looked it up. The dialogue is contrived.

You inserted his words from his conversations with other folks and concocted a fake dialogue. Are you so in need of attention that you make crap up to draw attention to yourself?
Well, well well! TT--the turtle.

It seems that TT no longer claims to be the "genius" he once was ... just a curious turtle. And what an interesting, "gracious" and rhetorical question it is, eh! wink. This should help this thread reach the six-million--6,000,000--hit mark, easily. THANX!

Now let's ask Arminius--a truly humble, helpful promoter of harmony, community and dialogue: What do you think ARM?

No, TT, the dialogue is not contrived. On the "Religion and Faith" forum of www.wondercafe.ca one can insert any specific block of text to which one wants to reply, and then reply.

But I am not as "truly humble" as Revlgking suggests. Quite the opposite, I am truly conceited. After all, being one with God is the highest possible conceit.

However, it is also the deepest possible humility--but only if one believes God to be the self-creative totality of being!

If one believes God to be the self-creative totality of being, then the sense of oneself as a separate ego-individual disappears, and one becomes one with the totality. From then on, one thinks, acts, and feels not on behalf of the egocentric individual, which one previously thought one was, but on behalf of the self-creative whole. If one is averse to the term "God," or thinks the term is inappropriate, one can call it any other name denoting a self-creative universe. In the recently published Gospel of Judas, the author of that Gospel calls God "The Great Self-Generative Spirit" who created the universe by and out of itself.

In the scientific view of the universe, energy is an eternal singularity. If this singularity also possesses the power to transcend itself and transform into another state or form (and there is some recent scientific evidence for such a force), then we have self-creative energy as the basic cosmic substance, and this self-creative energy continuously evolves itself toward ever higher levels of awareness. In us, Homo sapiens sapiens, energy has finally become aware of itself as the creative substance and the creative power of the universe. And we humans, who are aware of this, can be active co-creators or "co-evolvers" in the creative process of cosmic self-evolution.

My universe is the same as the universe of science. Only that, to me, the universe of science is self-creative and thus "spiritual" or "divine."

Of course, one can regard the universe as mundane, a chance outcome of chaotic energy. But I feel and think (and "feel" is the operative word here) that the universe is self-creative and divine.