quantum wrote:
"they teach us all our lifes that universe is eternal, infinite and that there was nothing before the Big Bang. true,"

They may teach you that but it is not the current thinking in physics in many quarters.

"how can there be nothing? doesn't that contradicts physics?"

Not at all. We don't know what "something" is. But it is equally true that we don't know what nothing is nor is that what physics teaches. What physics teaches is that space did not exist. I know the distinction may be hard to fathom at first ... but it isn't about the creation of "stuff" it is about the creation of length, width, height, and time. Put everything into one point, mathematically possible and supported by Bose Einstein condensate and you eliminate all four. It is actually rather simple conceptually.

"...if Big Bang created universe what existed before?"

Nothing or something? We don't know. But try to understand that "before" and "after" are human constructs. The universe need not care.

"...how did Big Bang occur if there was nothing before"

See my previous answers; above. We don't know is the most honest answer. But the assumption that there was nothing is invalid.

What school?

DA Morgan