I'm not sure I can agree with what IFF wrote but I do understand the point-of-view.

It is impossible to prove that the invisible purple rhinoceros doesn't exist. And I'm not sure I would want to prove that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius by proving that it doesn't boil at any other temperature between absolute zero and infinite.

Science, and proof, are about verifiability. Let me give you an example I've used here before.

Lets put an atheist, an agnostic, an animist, a Shia Moslem, a Sunni Moslem, a Buddhist, a Roman Catholic, a Lutheran, an Orthodox Jew, and a member of Scientology in a room (not to exclude any other theology).

Now can you get them to agree that Jesus Christ is part of a trinity? Not a prayer? How about that the Old Testament story of Noah is true? Not without a loaded firearm. How about that the universe was created in 7 days or that Jesus died on a cross? Zero, nada, zilch, nyet.

Can I get the same group to agree that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius? You betcha. And that is science!

One is objectively verifiable the other is mythology.

Last edited by DA Morgan; 01/23/07 01:35 AM.

DA Morgan