don't yell at me if i ask question that has been already asked.

On a forum with this many discussions, that would require a lot of yelling at a lot of people. smile Welcome.

they teach us all our lifes that universe is eternal, infinite and that there was nothing before the Big Bang.

Or that the universe isn't eternal, that it began with a bang and might end with a crunch. We aren't sure yet about the crunch, but the acceleration of its growth is starting to make it more likely that there won't be a crunch.
...how can there be nothing?

By not having any space to put stuff in.
doesn't that contradicts physics?

Nope. It is predicted by physics.
...if Big Bang created universe what existed before?

If time began at the big bang, then what does "before" mean? Imagine a room full of marbles. You take out a marble every day. Eventually, you are down to your last marble. You take it out. The next day, there aren't any marbles left. Do you take one out anyway? You can't: There aren't any. So what is the room like after you take out another marble? The question makes no sense because it implies more marbles can be taken out. In the same way, "What was the universe like before time?" can make no sense because there wasn't any time to be before. (Or maybe I've just lot all my marbles.)

...how did Big Bang occur if there was nothing before?

In any other thread in this forum, my response would be "We don't know that." I might even bring up Stephen Hawking's notion that the Grand Unified Theory is so compelling that it spontaneously brought itself into existence.

However, this is a thread called "Evidence for God" so I'm going to give myself a tiny bit of extra leeway and hope that Dan doesn't kill me for it. (I think he's reaching his limit of God tolerance.)

In my opinion, God set up the Grand Unified Theory and poured himself into it. All the energy of the universe came from one huge source, and I think that source was God. And by setting things up the way he did, with an exactitude that boggles the mind, he made it inevitable that we (and probably others all over the universe) would eventually come into existence and be able to commune with him.

But, even though this is the "Evidence for God" thread, it is also the "Science a GoGo" board, so I'll stop it there. wink

i'm on college now and still whomever i ask can't answer me becouse they have same questions as i have.

That was my biggest disappointment as a freshman in college: I had been expecting to finally be at the place where everybody knows all the answers. Nope. But there are still some great resources there if you take the time to seek them out.

is there any link or book that explain existing theories without waking new questions in my mind?

Any good book on the subject will raise far more questions than it answers. That's what makes it good. If it answered them all, it would be so large as to take several lifetimes to read. If it didn't answer them all, but didn't raise any new ones either, it would put you to sleep. I'll leave it to Dan and others who are more well-studied than myself to suggest books. Although, a quick trip to the library and a seach through the catalog on keywords like "Quantum Physics" and "Cosmology" would be helpful as long as you restrict yourself to books written this decade. (There are lots of great older books, but since many of them are outdated and in many cases flatly wrong, I would suggest reading those only when specifically recommended.)

Last edited by Wayne Zeller; 03/22/07 04:31 PM.