The Reverend as he calls himself is not. He is a hypnotherapist who has self-annointed himself an expert on things no one alive understands.

Should I respect that? Should you? Should anyone older than 12? Are you a member of his cult? He is as likely to sue anyone as he is to have read the original text of Genesis.

And please don't make me laugh so hard by throwing out phrases such as "libelous slander." I have a few years of law school under my belt and know the law well enough to know where I stand when posting in an open public internet forum operated in Australia and responding to someone in Canada from the United States. No doubt he'll have no problem finding a court of original jurisdiction in Namibia. But before he does he might wish to read:

United States Supreme Court
Rosenbloom v. Metromedia
403 U.S. 29
Argued December 7-8, 1970
Decided June 7, 1971

It is the law of the land.
At least the one in which I live.
And that is the only one that matters.


DA Morgan