There's only one true Freedom, all other freedoms stem from this one true Freedom.

It's not about having a religion, or being religious, or following this belief
or that one over there or none at all. It's about knowing the truth because
ultimately THAT is what sets people (and therefore, Nations) Free.

Here's a simple example of that truth I refer to that will set people and Nations free:

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions
for the development and functioning of living organisms.

That's an acceptable and simple scientific definition of DNA, is it not?

Can it be accepted here as clear and accurate? I say, why of coarse.
It's simple enough even for a child to understand.

ok then, here's the question:

who wrote the code for DNA? Who wrote the set of instructions?

It takes intellegence for man to write code. I'm most certain we will all readily
agree on that one. Yet it's obvious to all intellegent human beings that man
didn't write the DNA code. Yet someone had to - it's code and that takes an
intellegent being to create.

It's the truth, and so is this ... Jesus Christ wrote the code.