DAM writes, "There is no such thing as evil."
That is the farthest thing from the truth that i have ever heard!
Yes, there is such thing as evil: moral evil.
There are many philosophers who would agree with me, now of course there are many who dont, including Nietszhe (or however his name is spelt)
and of course i accept the universe as how it is: under the hand of the Creator and divine Watchmaker.
let me ask you this:
have you ever done something that you knew was wrong? but did it anyways? how did you feel after-wards? did you feel something telling you not to do it, but didnt listen? (like jimmity cricket). that is your conscious. why would you have such a thing if you are a far-distant relative to a rat? (very far off, but nevertheless related in some way, as evolutionists would beleive, unless that is they beleive in seperate macro-evolution trees, i can never keep up with such things)