Posters, doesn't the above sound like some control-freak troll is trolling for control? Shouldn't it be the prerogative of the host/moderator to call the shots?

BTW, either I must be very poor troller, or SAGGERs are very stingy, and/or too poor. Not one Lincoln penny has come our way, yet.

Over the years, we have raised some money which has gone mostly into education, community and family enrichment, and employing people who just can't make it in the regular market place. Check out one of our projects approved by the Mayor and Council of Toronto.

Less than 5% has gone for expenses.

In view of today's tragic news--added to more and more of the same kind of news of brutal violence--foreign and domestic--from the recent past--something is drastically wrong with the way many of us are doing personal, famly and community enrichment.

It seems that the spirit of evil has split many of us into two extremes. As we become more and more a strictly secular or fanatically-religious society, our hospitals, jails, death rows, asylums and cemeteries are becoming fuller and fuller.

Interestingly, the root meaning of 'devil'--diabolos, in Greek, from which we get 'diabolic'--is: that which splits us and turns us against ourselves and others, incapable of seeing what moderates, balances and works for the common good.

Last edited by Revlgking; 04/17/07 04:55 AM.