believe it or not, it actually helped!

Cool! I'm happy to hear it.

I thought of another one regarding what's "before" time: Imagine you are an ant on a piece of 2x4 plywood. One of your well-traveled friend ants comes you and says, I've been everywhere on this board! I walked to the edge a couple inches over there and then walked all the way around! And then I walked to the end of the board, and then all the way to the other end. I can tell you, it's made of wood everywhere you go. It's about four feet long and a little under 12 inches around. It's got this cool grain the whole way, and the ends are kinda bumpy so I had to wear my special hiking boots to avoid ant-splinters!"

"Great!" you reply, "And what's it like further out than that?"

"Huh? I'm telling you, it ends."

"Yeah, I understand it ends and all, but what is the board like AFTER it ends? What's this board like if you go twenty feet in THAT direction over there?"

"Well, it's not there. This board doesn't exist over there."

"Yeah, but what's it LIKE?"

As you can see, the well-traveled ant (and the well-learned physicist) have a hard time explaining that beyond the board, there is no board.

(I thought that one up while making a smoothie a few minutes ago and just had to share.) smile
