G?d is everything that exists or G?d is everything that is good? Is everything good? Is this the best of all possible universes?

Do orthodox jews share your view that G?d is everything?

I'm not saying that you can't coin, borrow, or otherwise use whatever term you wish. What I don't understand is what is the value of it? Typically words are used to clarify communication and understanding. I do not see how G?D clarifies either.

I consider myself an agnostic of the atheist persuasion. I believe that the question of god's existence is unanswerable, EXCEPT BY DIRECT REVELATION from that god and even then the person to whom this knowledge is revealed cannot discern his knowledge from insanity. This is one of several reasons I think the entire concept of God is useless. In all my actions I assume there is no god, not because I'm trying to reject a god, but simply because I cannot do otherwise.

Neither my opinion nor yours is actually science.