Originally Posted By: Blacknad
A 'Personal God' is simply about the difference in Theism and Deism.

Thanks Blacky,

And I suppose the 'personal God' is the Theistic side of the picture. They should more accurately say a "personalble God," I think.

So, an impersonal God would be Deistic; the clock winding down?

I always thought a 'personal God' meant the understanding of God that one achieves on a personal level. Y'know, my own idea of God, vs. someone else's idea of what God is.

Much as Revl.'s idea, "For me, this means that GØD is like...the pneuma." -whoops, sorry for using Notepad, Revl.
Or like my own ideas of extradimensionality (or any other transcending ideas), or St. Augustine's ideas.

That's why i was puzzled by the "'~90% of AAAS don't believe in a personal god.' -cited from audience query," statement that I heard.

So many of those 90% could be diests, I suppose.

I could argue either way on Theist/Deist, but Theism seems more human centered; hence more accessible and fun to talk about.

Revl., thanks for the circle/center quote!

It sounds just like a "description of the universe" that an astronomer once gave me when I asked 'In what direction was the Big Bang?'

Lightning! better log off.



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