Thanks TFF! Excellent comments for a dialogue as you ask
Originally Posted By: TheFallibleFiend
G?D is everything that exists? Or G?D is everything that is good? Is everything good? Is this the best of all possible universes?
In my humble opinion (IMHO), yes, this IS the best of all possible universes. In addition, each one of us has a personal share in creating it. IMHO, collectively speaking, we are G?D

You ask, "Do orthodox jews share your view that G?D is everything?"

It is my understanding that Orthodox Jews think of G-d as ineffable--that is, beyond objectification. Orthodox Jews abhor mental idolatry--that is, thinking of G-d in any kind of mental form.

TFF, you ask, wisely
I'm not saying that you can't coin, borrow, or otherwise use whatever term you wish. What I don't understand is what is the value of it?
It may not have value to you, yet. But if you have the patience to listen, the word 'G?D' has value to me.

"In what way?" you may ask. Because it expresses a new theological concept, which is as follows:

G?D, for me, symbolizes, and includes, ALL that is objective and subjective--total, universal and all-encompassing.

For me, G?D is not a super or personal being--one called God--separate and apart from persons and the cosmos. The physical cosmos, including us personal beings, has its being within G?D--the eternal and the infinite--which is beyond anything I can comprehend.

You write
Typically, words are used to clarify communication and understanding. I do not see how G?D clarifies either.
If you are willing to keep an open mind, give me time to explain what I really mean.

Thanks for honestly stating
I consider myself an agnostic, of the atheist persuasion. I believe that the question of god's existence is unanswerable, EXCEPT BY DIRECT REVELATION, from that god, and even then the person to whom this knowledge is revealed cannot discern his knowledge from insanity.

This is one of several reasons I think the entire concept of God is useless. In all my actions I assume there is no god--not because I'm trying to reject a god--but simply because I cannot do otherwise.

Neither my opinion nor yours is actually science.
I agree. However, I want to say more in answer to your sincere comments.

Keep in mind that I write as one who was an agnostic, if not an atheist. Also, keep in mind that I am not talking about A god, or even A god called God.

G?D is not a being of any kind
G?D is the symbol I use to designate all that we know and experience, with the help of philosophy, science, and the arts, in the now. I also use it to designate all that we hope to know as we process into the future. I do not believe in a God of dogma and ritual. I experience G?D in toto, now, in all that I morally and ethically do.

G?D is totally, and absolutely, beyond all forms of sectarianism.

As the Gospel of St. John puts it: God is Spirit; God is Love, NOW.

Last edited by Revlgking; 02/24/07 10:57 PM.