Thanks, Tim. Like you, without preaching, I can also say: GØD is, for me, the One, the Mono and wears all kinds of loving persons--from the Latin, persona; from which we get our word 'person'. It literally means that through which we make sounds. To my wife, I am her husband; to my children, I am their father; to my friends, I am their friend, and on, and on. But I remain the same person.

Interestingly, people ignorant of the language of Christian theology, including many Muslims, jump to the silly conclusion that the Trinity (Tri-unity) refers to three gods.

I can accept that one of the masks of GØD is the physical universe, "the flesh" as it were. As science, especially the science of physics, is beginning to discover: there is a lot behind that mask, and much of it is still a great mystery.
I can readily accept that all of creation, including religion and science, are in the process of evolving.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT