Hiya Rev.

I figured it was because I pulled an all-nighter (final exams!) that I kept giggling all day about "May the 4th be with you!"

But I really enjoy your 'BTW...not-for-prophets' on a whole 'nother level. Very funny, creative... and true!

But wait! Is it true? Why do you have to be religious to see the future? Hmmm, guess it's in the definition. If they're not religious, then they're called clairvoyient (wow, there's a word i don't know how to spell).

no sleep, can you tell?
~samwik - wink

p.s. Just saw Christopher Hitchens on Charlie Rose. He mentioned how coincidental it was that Religions offer just the kind of things that we crave the most (security, freedom, assuagement or soothing, etc.). Your point about "..says nothing about the danger of tobacco.." made me think about how religions only deal with what they know about.

Whereas science.... opposite...unknown.

Chris acknowledged that sure, may be a god out there; but doesn't care about us or intervene.

Is that what people mean when they talk about a "personal God?"
I hear that phrase around, as in '~90% of AAAS don't believe in a personal god.' -cited from audience query, Religion & Culture Panel, CSPAN2....guess i been editing too much....


...but seriously....
Is that what people mean when they talk about a "personal God?"

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.