This thread is entitled 'Evidence for God' and there has been precious little presented in 65 pages of comment.

One person who does think there is clear evidence for God is Professor Anthony Flew.

Flew has been an eminent atheist for decades and a strong apologist for the atheist cause, but over the last few years has moved to a deistic position.

Wikipedia says this about him:

"While an undergraduate, Flew attended the weekly meetings of C. S. Lewis's Socratic Club fairly regularly. Although he found Lewis to be "an eminently reasonable man" and "by far the most powerful of Christian apologists for the sixty or more years following his founding of that club," he was not persuaded by Lewis's argument from morality as found in Mere Christianity. Other philosophical proofs for God's existence also fail, according to Flew. The ontological argument in particular he considers false because it is based on the premise that the concept of Being can be derived from the concept of Goodness. Only the scientific forms of the teleological argument impress Flew as being decisive.[2]

In God and Philosophy (1966) and God, Freedom and Immortality: A Critical Analysis (1984) Flew argued that one should presuppose atheism until evidence of a God surfaces. He still stands behind this evidentialist approach,[3] though he has been persuaded in recent years that such evidence in fact exists.

In December 2004, an interview with Flew conducted by Flew's friend and philosophical adversary Gary Habermas was published in Biola University's Philosophia Christi, with the title Atheist Becomes Theist - Exclusive Interview with Former Atheist Antony Flew. Flew's conception of God is limited to the idea of God as a first cause.[4]

Professor Flew is a signatory of the Humanist Manifesto III."

It is not quite true that Flew has become a Theist, although he is open to it - and is particularly impressed with the work of Gerald L. Schroeder who has written on the convergence of the creation account in Genesis with current cosmological knowledge (not talking about Genesis as understood by the Young Earth Creationists) in his book 'The Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom' (New
York: Broadway Books, 1998)..

The interview with Dr. Gary Habermas is here:

It is interesting that Flew dismisses every argument and supposed proof for God's existence except the scientific one.

I might add that except for the general belief in some form of designing intelligence, I am not pushing my own Christian views, and Flew is clearly not in support of them - although his understanding of the 'first cause' seems to be evolving.

On Flew - "The fact of the matter is: Flew hasn't really decided what to believe. He affirms that he is not a Christian--he is still quite certain that the Gods of Christianity or Islam do not exist, that there is no revealed religion, and definitely no afterlife of any kind (he stands by everything he argued in his 2001 book Merely Mortal: Can You Survive Your Own Death?). But he is increasingly persuaded that some sort of Deity brought about this universe, though it does not intervene in human affairs, nor does it provide any postmortem salvation. He says he has in mind something like the God of Aristotle, a distant, impersonal "prime mover." It might not even be conscious, but a mere force. In formal terms, he regards the existence of this minimal God as a hypothesis that, at present, is perhaps the best explanation for why a universe exists that can produce complex life. But he is still unsure."
