I think the extremes are certainly the worst aspect of any thing. I don't want to be around extremists of any ilk.

But I also judge religions and other "ologies" on whether they ask people to suspend rational thinking.

On whether they are willing to be held accountable for their actions and their inactions.

On whether they can be found to have used phrases like "god is on our side" to justify atrocities against those whose belief system differs.

I'm still waiting for Turks to apologize to the Armenians.

Still waiting for the Catholics to apologize for their support of Nazi Germany.

Still waiting for an apology for Northern Ireland, and countless other examples.

Heck I'm still waiting for an apology to blacks for everything from the slave trade to slave keeping.

And yes I know there have been rare apologies such as the apology of the Pope for the treatment of Galileo. But that doesn't right the wrong until they guy sitting in the back rows also, sincerely, feels the same way.

I'm in for a very very long wait.

DA Morgan