DA writes: "Which (my concept of the divine mind), of course, explains your need to play make believe by putting ? in the middle of a perfectly good word. It makes such a huge difference. god doesn't exist but g?d does. God is dead but G?D is not. A contrived affectation is so important for achieving the appearance of realism."

Posters, even while disagreeing with me, I greatly appreciate it when readers make a sincere effort to understand what I write, and not add their own spin as to what they want it to mean.

In no way did I ever, or would I ever, write, "god, or God, doesn't exist but g?d, or G?D, does"

'G?D' is not a noun for some divine subjective/objective anthropomorphic three-dimensional superbeing. It is an anagram, a short way of saying, goodness, order and design.

I use it, as I have said before, much in the same way that Orthodox Jewish writers use 'G-d'. They use it to avoid objectifying, making a mental idol out of the ineffable, the divine mind behind all things. I respect what Orthodox Jews are trying to say, not ridicule them and accuse them of playing games. For Jews, G-d is not a being subject to existing in a three-dimensional, like things and people.

BTW 1: If an Orthodox Jew were to write in this forum about his belief in G-d would atheists accuse him a being a troll playing make believe? Yes or no!

BTW 2: Atheists have every right to tell Orthodox Jews, theists, deists, and unitheists/protheists/panentheists such as Warren and me: "Look, I disagree with your theologies and, until you present me with concrete evidence, I cannot accept that the one you call God really exists."

But do atheists have the right to twist what others write and mock their sincerely held faith? Yes or no!

BTW 3: I readily acknowledge that the god-concept (unitheism) which Warren and I espouse--similar to that of Orthodox Judaism--is quite different from how people usually think, theologically. It is, like the poet wrote, "The Road Less Traveled". It is a road which we do not insist everyone must take. Most won't. Your choice is your choice and we will respect you for it, even when it happens to be atheism.

BTW 4: Do atheists have a kind of Golden Rule?