Revlgking wrote:
" And are you implying that all philosophers and theologians do not?"

Implying nothing. I am insisting, stating as fact, and putting it forward as a statement cast in osmiridium.

And if you think otherwise tell me the last time in which the leader of any Christian church submitted his theological doctrine to peer review. I want the name of the Imam and the Rabbi that conducted that review. Please don't descend into the depths of hypocrisy by claiming that the Pope submitting a statement to his Cardinals and Bishops is peer review.

Revlgking wrote:
"I think I know why the cynics and the nihilists love to dismiss and kill new ideas and new ways of doing things for the greater good of all of us. It is oh so easy!"

Actually you are clueless. We don't dismiss and kill new ideas. We thrive on new ideas. We embrace dark energy and axions and methane on Titan. There is difference between a "new idea" and repackaging fluff and using it to brainwash children.

Here's a quote that I think pretty much sums up my attitude toward the clergy:
"Ministers say that they teach charity.
That is natural.
They live on hand-outs.
All beggars teach that others should give."
~ Robert Ingersoll

So far you have yet to engage in a single sentence of science. What you have done is create a new meaningless spelling of the word god (G?D) as though the deity that created the entire universe would be impressed. You have linked to purely religious websites indicating an inability to converse at a science site in the language of science. You have referenced Albert Schweitzer as though using his name had some relevance to anything.: It does not.

As one of the founders of The Family Life Foundation dedicated to promoting goodness why don't you try promoting goodness here by not being an intellectually dishonest troll?

If poverty is the face of ignorance then, sir, I will send you a penny for more surely do you need one than almost anyone else on the planet.

DA Morgan