I have read books on ESP and I have read numerous scientific articles and I have witnessed alleged ESP events. In fact, I got to do a bit of debunking of some of them. I might relate one story in particular some time - not that you're interested, but someone who is genuinely open-minded, inquisitive and humble might be able to learn something important.

Also, I took a course in college called esoteric psychology in which we studied the psychology of belief (systems). A large part of the course was the study of religious experience, ESP, etc. Of course, actually studying under a real scientist doesn't count in the world of tinlike, but there you have it.

The comparison to neurosurgery is utterly ridiculous and dishonest. We know that brains exist. We do not know that ESP exists. When actual scientists get involved the alleged abilities vaporize.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?"
Some people never get out of third grade.

Conversing with you is a complete waste of time. I could actually be reading something interesting and informative rather than reading your tripe. I could be learning and teaching from people who actually display humility and knowledge instead of talking about it.

Just go on living your arrogant, unintelligent delusion and excreting your pearls of distilled stupidity across the net.