The concept of emanation, the Golden Middle Way between creationism and evolutionism, makes a lot of sense to me.

That complex things are created in nature is not in question by Creationists (Abrahamic religions, etc.), Emanationists, or nihilists and atheists. Rather, the two principles that are in question are the locus for creation and whether a sentient, self-aware Absolute (‘God’) is a necessity for creation. Emanationists such as Pythagoras, Plotinus, Gotama, and others argued that complex patterns in nature were a natural consequence of procession from the One (Hen, Absolute)....
Philosophy Dictionary: emanationism
The attempt made by Plotinus, and foreshadowed in Plato, to understand creation as an overflow, radiating out from the supreme principle or God, somewhat as light emanates from a light source without in any way diminishing it. In Neoplatonism the doctrine is associated with pantheism.
The doctrine that emanation (Latin emanare, "to flow from") is the mode by which all things are derived from the First Reality, or Principle.