"The idea that you read books and took classes from/with naysayers, skeptics and disbelievers doesn't impress me"

Impressing anyone is my a goal. I merely corrected your incorrect assertions. Impressing you is no more to be desired than impressing the drunks down at the local pub.

"...one who does not study the self ..."
There is a difference between actually studying and claiming to or believing that one studies a thing. Actual scientists are aware of the tendency of humans towards delusion and fraud and when actual scientific methods account for these things, the positive outcomes have a curious tendency to disappear. Your claims to study "the self" are comical.

"your own prejudice. "
Also comical.

Your slavish devotion to your cult prevents you from accepting that a person could carefully examine alleged claims and come to a negative conclusion. Anyone who rejects the inane claims of theosophy etc. is just accepting authority. This is a pretext for your not actually studying the subject, but in pretending to study the subject. Lots of people claim to "study" things or to have "done research" while their every word belies a gross misunderstanding of even the basics.

Evolution is a case in point. Not quite, but almost, universally, when we find a person who rejects evolution, we find a person who asserts he "has studied the subject" but who makes assertions that demonstrate unequivocally that he has not. Generally this is because of the comic book understanding of science, combined with the person's completely mistaken notion of what constitutes "research." It's as if you're trying to explain to a child the difference between reading and "reading critically" and the child stamps his feet down and says, "I AM READING CRITICALLY!" or "I AM STUDYING!"

Still waiting for you to say one intelligent thing on the subject of evolution (or anything else for that matter, but since this thread is about evolution, you could start there).