WOW! What a flurry of comments and interesting questions. If I chose to answer all of them I would need to write a book. Just time, now, for a couple of notes on hypnosis:


Subject: National Security Cloaks Advanced Hypno-Technology?

. . . "if the next war survives the first bomb it can be
guaranteed that both sides will include hypnosis among their

"And not merely for such crude and vulgar purposes as
getting prisoners of war to talk: that trick is so obvious that
both sides could protect against it simply by making sure in
advance that all the good hypnotic subjects among their personnel
were . . . made immune to the hypnotic state.

The future will
bring far more refined techniques than this. For developing
some of them, the senior author of this book [Estabrooks], to
whom the military applications of hypnosis have always been of
interest, must plead guilty, and if the effort to discover means
of helping one's country in time of war is antisocial, then he
has engaged in antisocial behavior.

It is not revealing military
secrets to tell the story of some of these researches or to
outline some of the ways hypnosis, when imaginatively applied,
make its use undetectable; to know the possibilities does not
mean to recognize them when they are put into action.

for example, what might have happened if the techniques of
military hypnosis devised during the Second World War had been
used at that time. It was the Nazis who stimulated our first
intensive investigations of the question: faced with the fact
that they would undoubtedly use hypnosis if it was at all
possible, we began to look into its potentials, too....

More about the Rhodes Scholar George Estabrooks