Aaah george--- that is a slightly different stance from the one which you argued earlier. Then you were insisting that evolution was WRONG. Now you are retreating to the idea that something created life on earth, what exactly you do not suggest, just some vague intelligence "maybe the universe itself". It is this point that enables many who are scientists and also religious to believe that evolution, as a suggestion, has much to contribute to the debate, because they can acknowledge the original creator. The really annoying thing about this Theory of Evolution is that as further knowledge is expanding the theory is also expanding becauses so many discoveries have supported the ideas which were merely speculation when I was a child.

Creationism on the other hand has insisted that the Genesis myth is the truth, and it must be believed. Science does not insist on belief. On the contrary scientists spend their lives examining belief, even a cherished one. The history of world religions is littered with the persecution of people who discovered truths that were against doctrinal law. Belief is not enough without truth!