Originally Posted By: TheFallibleFiend
The primary reason why Americans reject evolution in such numbers is that we collectively have a comic book understanding of what science is and how it works. Moreover, we have a profoundly false view of the history and philosophy of science.


Also, our democratic ideals have imbued us with the bizarre notion that the opinions of anyone off the street are just as good as those of any scientist.

This assumes only Science has all answers

People who believe themselves to be "smart" and "well-educated" have deluded themselves into believing that they are eminently qualified to reject the collective, nearly unanimous informed opinions of 10s of thousands of the worlds very best scientists, in favor of the mindless rants of a very vocal minority who collectively constitute AT THE VERY BEST utter mediocrity in research.

Einstein was wrong, then right. So was Newton, in reverse. Best you can say is the 10s of thousands could also be proved wrong.

They believe that they have done sufficient research that they can make that call, but the fact is that none of them would even recognize real research.

When a well qualified such as Behe says cuts heal because of blood clotting, the detractors respond with PHD. gibberish. Everyone knows evolution COULD have happened without direction, and could is the favorite word of scientific atheists.