Creation happened - yes it did.

However what right does that give creationists, to validate a bibles version of it. The bible has so many contridictions that it is surprising that it doesn't self-combust.

On what authority did Moses have to write 3000 years of history back to Adam & Eve. Be real with yourself. Not just the dogma of the bible. The bible has history - but it is history and ancient politics inspired by man. And man often gets things wrong.

What independent 3rd party authority did Moses have? Really? Himself - after all he wrote a lot of history. Did he have even one other person to validate his writings?

It is clearly understood from those that really learn about the evolution of religion that Moses borrowed stacks of material from the religions of the day.

I heard one idiot say the other day. "If the bible said Jonah swollowed the whale he would beieve it". What can I say??

Religion makes idiots of people who are actually quite smart and hides idiots that really are idiots. The bible is right - you have to 'believe' like a little child.

What happens when you grow up and start to think for yourself like an adult should. Many try for the rest of their days explaining in huge depth how the round peg is still going to fit in the square hole.

Just believe. Aha - Creationists - be brave and grow up in your thinking.