Anon posted:
"Name me a species that only partially evolved."

I thought that it may be possible that all life on this planet may be still evolving, ie partially evolved, (except for dragonflies and crocodiles!! ) But maybe we are not. That's not the question really, as other species are evolving right now, and have in the past. The process takes eons sometimes, and we usually cannot see it happening, as SM says. But that does not mean it isn't happening. And to us as well, after all we are animals too.

Whilst I realise SM, that American universities generally are not invoved with the teaching of Creationism or Intelligent Design, there are more formal educational courses in this area in American schools and colleges than elsewhere. My belief is that they represent the sincerely held views of many in that nation, and they are the people encouraging the belief in God and his/her creation of the world, which seems to discourage (in the US) a belief in the evolving nature of the development of life on Earth.