I think he's referring to knowledge not based on actual experience and the ability to think beyond some designated authoritative postulation.

Many take what's given them without any experience and comparatives, and often reject anything which may or may not fit within the content designated as the authoritative word.

Science can build on what it discovers and experiences if it engages discovery with an open mind to keep looking further into the experience and the information. If it were to stick to data and experience without any further thought it wouldn't be science but rather belief and opinion.

Being flexible enough to take information and to build upon it and expand upon it is the nature of spiritual evolution. Cookbook evolution may exclusively deal with Darwinisms or Religious dogma if it is absorbed and accepted as the beginning and the end.

I know when I was in school a lot of the subject matter was laborious to get through. The intention was to pass the course not to master it.
If my heart wasn't into the subject at hand I would only absorb what I had to and only understood the information as it was perceived at that level.

With schools using a grading system which measured the retention of material and inspiring competitiveness in the individual it was easy to find something else to find some form of worthwhile ideal to attach myself to, rather than to measure my Self worth according to some kind of grading system on subjects I had no interest in.

The educational system standardizes relative values of worth in subject matter, not necessarily covering the extent of the subject but maybe certain highlights of it. If someone wants to become a evolutionist in some field of science or psychology they would have to study further in some higher educational process maybe even write a thesis based on ones own immersion into the subject. Obviously one who had no interest in the subject would make no effort to take their thoughts any further than what they retained in the human programming factory they attended in order to become a useful adult in today's society.

In casual conversation lots of people blurt out what they have heard or read with some kind of idea that they know something, and without actually putting much time and effort into the subject. This is seen as normal and it is that level that is taught to our children by the same type of programming that exists in the parents. Simple memorization and standardization of highlights based on old information.
Schools are not often on the cutting edge of new technology and scientific discoveries. It would seem there is more current information on the Internet than in the school curriculum.

Prejudice of information, such as what has been determined as righteous in school curriculum and what isn't, can affect the thought process and influence beliefs of those who attend school.
Some subjects such as creationism, are dissed because of the ignorance of the subject rather than the knowledge of it.

Imagination is often stifled by the parameters set within the grading systems and the curriculum of the school, and the board of education which is scrutinized by the idealisms and beliefs of the community. Children are programmed rather than educated.

I don't know about Australia but in the U.S. we graduate students from High School who don't know how to think, or read the English language. These people vote and without knowing what they stand for assume a position they often have no connection to. Most are motivated by hearsay given to them by someone they think knows something, often the media which says one thing one day, and something other the next.

My own e-mails were full of some kind of facts regarding who and what the candidates for our government positions stood for and most of it was dirt, flung from the other side. Because we accept blindly what the media has to offer as our point of reference we must have been taught to accept this.
I know I was never told in school to question authority or the information I was being tested on. If I was given a hint that I could challenge it with something superior to the information given, I might have entertained a thought that everything I was being graded on was relative to current knowledge and understanding rather than just the plain truth.

I think this is an important detail that is left out of the daily curriculum that leaves most students uninspired to see beyond the categorization of competitive based memorization, and the imaginative creativity that could be inspired into the curriculum so that no one would be left out.
Instead of leaving school with an open mind we leave with a sense of accomplishment in passing the grade, or jumping the necessary hurdle standardized as THE way of life.

Evolution is much more than a chemical and physical progression of the human meat sack. It is psychological in the awakening of intuition and spiritual insight in what Human being is. That is not taught in school, in fact it is discouraged if it is upsetting to the fixed mode of belief and superstitions that rigidly hold the authority to the written word.

Our United States is governed more and more by fear based laws which insist that we are threatened by everyone who is not an American.
Our Homeland security is an invasion of our rights and freedoms created in the name of protection and security.
We accept more and more each day that we must give our rights and freedoms to those who tell us how much we are threatened and need to be protected. By giving up what we gained in our original fight for freedom detailed in the Constitution without understanding it was this very same type of tyranny we make a choice that is without knowledge and insight.

In one sense we will need to have our rights and freedoms taken from us before we can value them and stand up to create them again just as we did over two hundred years ago.
Thing is, with this virtual reality being created through the media, will we ever really know what is happening or will we be electronically fed enough distractions to keep us from being aware of reality as it really is?

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!