I was not anonymous, since my email was in the message. Now I'm registered.
So, MAYBE the complexities evolved? "Naturally", this is the best science can do.
Inconvenient to metabolise glucose? Design a better one, then. Oh wait! it happened by natural selection with no selector! Now that's impressive.
Surely guided evolution is the answer, go to the top of the class, Revlgking!
If unguided evolution is possible, then "fallible friend" has invented a new form of probability. I won't bother to even go into the complexity of proteins, amino acids, etc. that are required for successful adaptations, because scientists say they have the answer, DNA has been sequenced, ha! ha! What a feat, explains everything, no designer required.
What is mathematically impossible? Take cosmology. Latest theories (could be wrong, scientists are only wrong in the past), claim that the gravitational constant, AND strong nuclear force, AND weak nuclear force, AND electromagnetism, ALL had to have been in place in their very, very, very, precise measurements at the instant of the big bang. How do scientists explain? Multiple universes!! Wow, but no proof. Maybe with infinite universes, and infinity of time going backwards, could it have happened? Add to the permutations for good measure laws of thermodynamics.
If you still do not comprehend mathematically impossible, ask, why four forces. Can an equation for a universe such as this be written?

All who ask God to appear, ought to have lived 2,000 years ago, then they could draw their own conclusion. After all, some say there was no holocaust, only 50 years ago.
The creator is a being outside of time, but when He appears again, there will still be doubters!