"The majority once thought the world was flat. "
It has been a very long time since any person of science thought the world was flat. In fact, it was scientists and mathematicians who showed otherwise - and the religionists who insisted otherwise.

The majority also once thought that most people have legs. In this, the majority was and is right. Statements aren't true or false based on what the majority maintain - especially when the majority includes people with firm convictions about things of which they are entirely ignorant.

"None of my posts were to indicate a distinctive measure of my knowledge of science,"
And yet your lack of knowledge was revealed!

"What we have discussed is the label of science"
There are the facts and laws and theories of science and then there is the process of science - the principles upon which it operates. What is science is not determined by the former, but by the latter - the principles. And that is what determines whether something gets the label of science. The fact that you ignore this or are unaware of it or just plain don't see the relevance is unimportant. Despite your best attempts to conceal the source and motive of your convictions, your contempt of actual science has been revealed.

Obscurantists despise the respect that science has rightfully earned in society and they envy it. As I have said in this forum several times before. They use two paradoxical approaches in their attempts to raise the awareness of their cults:

The first is to show how, after all, their own cultish beliefs are supported by science - indeed their beliefs augment and improve upon science.

In the other, they attempt to portray, amply, and exaggerate the failings of science.

"What we have discussed is the label of science"
You can't establish the correct label of a thing without determining whether the label is correctly applied. You don't understand what the label means - and so you don't have any problem at all applying it to your cult.