I'd like to say it's just a problem with our language, but it is really more of a problem with our education system (or maybe just the social system in general?).
But whatever....

More correctly one should say, not that there are "still apes," but that apes (and humans) evolved from a common ancestor.

If you study how evolution works, you'll avoid many common misperceptions about the process (like that one about humans evolving from apes).

For instance....
How did Chihuahua's and Great Dane's evolve from the wolf (hint: the same way apes and humans evolved from....)?
Wolve's are still around too (though smaller than back then);

...just like lemurs are still around (the least changed of the ancestor to apes and humans).


Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.