Originally Posted By: finiter
'A theory has no proof' that is what Stephen Hawking says. The QM has indeed no proof.

First I am not interested in QM proof (it actually does have proof btw), the question I posed to you has nothing to do with QM .. I asked you a specific question show me your proof a thing called a particle exists .. stay on task. Show me a particle exists please.

Originally Posted By: finiter

So, when I say that electron and positron are actually particles and form a pair, and the pairs integrate into neutrons, I have to provide a logical structure of neutron.

Provide me observations of these thing called electrons, protons and nuetrons are finite solid particles please.

Originally Posted By: finiter

You go of into a whole pile of stuff about numbers of electrons, protons etc ... really not in the argument

Stay on task you job is to show me that electrons, protons and nuetrons are these little finite ball particles you imagine them to be ... and I do mean imagine in every sense.

I will get you started standard "double slit electron experiment" we do it with every student (http://www.upscale.utoronto.ca/PVB/Harrison/DoubleSlit/DoubleSlit.html) as it's an easy experiment. Explain away please how does your theory cover this.

Edit: Took me a while to find a good link to it ... here finiter this make help for you to explain it to me (http://www-als.lbl.gov/index.php/holding...ysics-meet.html) Thats a whole bunch of your you protons, electrons and nuetrons doing the dance together.

Last edited by Orac; 10/31/11 05:42 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.