I agree it is a consistant and logical theory and it is very similar to Einstein static universe proposed but he had Mach space rather than Absolute space.

It's problems are the Absolute space tenant and it's built on Newtonian laws. I have no doubt the newtonian laws will appear to hold but the real problem is that every one of those Newtonian laws is of coarse wrong and we can trivially show they are wrong. If you are a newtonian diehard you say they need modification there not wrong :-)

And I guess thats my light hearted view of this theory you are inventing forces and believe in dragons, fairy's, father christmas, good women and other myths of Newtonian physics all to preserve your precious 3D.

You saw this behaviour with Flat Earth believers I mean you can see the world is flat it takes abstraction to realize that what you see is an illussion and some people can't and don't want to see it. Sight is such a dominate sense and why optical illussions cause us such angst.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.