maytey wrote:
"you might think it to be mumbo jumbo, thats because you don't listen in you use your skeptisism and manly rational minds."

Actually I think it mumbo jumbo because I do listen in. I listen to the fact that this jargon-laden nonsense has been foisted, year-after-year, generation-after-generation on different group's of gulliable people all of whom follow it until the next no-sense fad comes along.

I'm not sure how manly my mind is but I do sure as heck hope it is rational: The exact opposite, it seems, of yours.

You are just here selling your religion like everybody else. Another priest in parishioners clothing. What proof do you have that you are right? What evidence do you have that the universe would be different if you are wrong? Why should anyone care about any of your nonsense? What will it get them?

Will it cure war and cruelty and torture? History indicates pretty clearly the answer is no.

Will it cure Alzheimers or AIDS or leukemia or eradicate polio?

Will it make me happier in any manner other than the way that heroin makes people happy?

Go sell your poppycock somewhere else. Christianity at least has one thing going for it. It has survived more than a millenium. No one knew about your nonsense 100 years ago and no one will remember it 50 years from now.

DA Morgan