The difference then Blacknad is that I have studied both and you have studied neither (I use the word study here in its more serious form).

You have a different understanding of religion? I'm all ears.

1. Name the major religion (older than 100 years) that that is not a tax exempt organization collecting money from its adherants

2. Name the major religion (older than 100 years) that does not indoctrinate children.

3. Name the major western religion (older than 100 years) that acknowledges the Epic of Gilgamesh.

4. Name the major religion (older than 100 years) that doesn't threaten those that ignore its teachings with eternal damnation/rebirth.

Yes I've no doubt you know the teachings of one or two religions at a superficial level. But I've equally no doubt that you can not reconcile basic inconsistencies with provable reality.

DA Morgan