Please don't. Stay and learn. Unlike some around here you show an ability, when challenged, to use your mind. (Damn more praise now I've surely driven him away).

There is nothing in facing reality that requires you to stop being a good person just as there is nothing in believing in a fantasy that forces you to not run red-lights. We are all human with the same strengths and weakensses to one degree or another. What separates people is more often hypocrisy than matters of fact.

The difference between dealing with reality and fantasy is that with reality, with acceptance of personal responsibility for your acts you take out the excuses. It is easy to be bad when you can point to original sin, an appple, a snake, or some other mythical troll or demon. I'm not responsible ... I was possessed by the devil.

Look at the universe from where I sit. If I screw up ... I screwed up. Period. No one to take the blame except the guy in the mirror. And I know, with all certainty, that when my time comes there will be no explanation, no judgement, no appeal for mercy, no second chance, no weighing of the scale. The final chapter will be written and it will be precisely what it is ... good, bad, and ugly.

DA Morgan