'In the beginning were created only germs or causes of the forms of life which were afterwards to be developed in gradual course' - St. Augustine 400 AD.

Its interesting that Blacknad reminded me of St Augustines, scientific phraseology.
Augustine almost got it right. Of course he did'nt know about Eukaryotes, back in those days.
Matter of fact had he be born a couple of hundred years later, the rising Catholic church would have clamped down upon such blasphemy.
Eukaryotes of course are single cells that have been around for hundreds of millions of years.
Being single cells they are not capable of doing anything else other than living and dying.
They had no control over their enviroment, no movement of any kind. (A single cell means no flagella to move with) They were a product of their enviroment, though they could not sense it.
They were so small and minute that they were pushed and pulled by minute atomic forces, exactly like Brownian motion. Except that they went one better, they were attracted or repelled by their surface molecules.
The particular surface molecular key that fitted another chemical molecule, enabled both to stay together. Being 3d, molecular clumping took things up to a new level. Prehaps one Eukaryote and its 'key' could now attract a food key.
The attractive power are surface molecules...exactly like the hairs on present day Geckos feet. Geckos final hairs are so small that they cannot be seen, unless you use an Electron microscope.
Go to your local pet shop and marvel at them running upside down on glass or other materials.
No vacuum, no sticky, just Van de Waals atomic forces. I should know, I keep 4 of them. They often sleep upside down on the ceiling above a light bulb if they need a little extra warmth.

But back to Eukaryotes, their molecular chemical clumping gave them freedom. Freedom to evolve, .....Evolution. Colonys that became the first multicellular creatures, that first evolved over 600 million years ago. We now call them Choanoflagellates, they packaged up their DNA, lived multiplied and died. Evolving ever upwards getting ever more complicated. Ain't nature wonderful, no God intervened, just molecular nature, in the beginning that is.
Have you ever wondered as to why when you go up the family tree of evolution there are less and less NEW species? By the way, single celled Eukaryotes vastly outnumber all other forms of multicellular life in terms of numbers and species on the Earth today.
Isnt nature amazing, it took trial and error and many millions of years to put a mouth bang in the middle of a group of cells, more millions to place a light sensitive cell within a group, and many more millions of years to develop a lens for that cell. Trial and error, trial and error, loads of time to develop and keep those good evolutionary innovations. Of course I know that others would say God would have done it, and got it right straight away, in 7 days I have heard, or was it 4000 years according to Bishop Usher?
I just dont believe in fairy tales now I have grown up. And I hope you dont either.
Thats all for now.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.