dvk ... there is a difference between religious and religous nut case. Nut case indicates someone incapable of reconsidering a belief based upon new information. If you can rationalize new information and retain a belief system then you are not a rational being. If you can take in new information, and change your beliefs to comply with reality ... then you are not a nut. Only you and everyone that interacts with you can form an opinion on this.

The point of my post is that there are many possibilities for how life formed. We appear to have just excluded design by a divine sentient entity based on a very simple fact. That fact being that a divine sentient entity ... does not make mistakes and then correct them. Well except in the case of Noah. Damn there I go again ... pointing out how impossible it is for something to be all knowing and stil ake a mistake. At least the Judeo-Christian god is a loving god ... well except for that nasty little incident where he killed everyone on the planet except one family and that incident where he killed every first born son in an entire country, and that one little indicent where he .... You get the idea.

Well back to the topic .. science. The research, if confirmed ... provides proof positive that life has a purely natural explanation and requires nothing more: Nothing special.

DA Morgan