Originally posted by DA Morgan:
Marc P wrote:
"Science and religion can mix together very well"

Actually they can't unless you are brain-washed or brain-dead: They are polar opposites.

Science assumes we are on a search for truth. Religion claims to be the sole source of truth.
- Catch 22
Wow, I though such narrow mindedness was only on the religious side. Guess I was wrong. People who say religion and science don't mix know neither very well. At their core, both are a search for the truth, empirical truth or theological truth. The only catch 22 is in your head.

Tenants of the concept of oposition between science and religion are either very conservative or right wing religious extremists or, on the other side of the spectrum, atheists who's knowledge of religion doesn't go much past what they learnt at Mrs Smith's Sunday school classes.

Marc P.