If you even cared to look, you would see that there have been numerous scientific tests that have been carried out on the shroud. (Forensically tested, Carbon 14 dating, Chemical Analysis, UV photograph analysis, Photomicrograph Analysis - all shown on website), the shroud has been heavily scrutinized.
A bungle that scientists made was testing only a small fragment of the shroud-- seemed like rushed job to me (How conclusive can you get?). What methodology did they use? Did you know that they reasessed the shroud. But rather than just looking at a single piece they tested several other pieces of the shroud, and found that the shroud is much older- in fact just around AD.

(This is a lesson for science-
It is just one of many examples of how scientists can make mistakes - By using flawed techniques, looking at one part, but failing to see the whole)---Your narrow mind is mind boggling son! (OPEN YOUR EYES AND MIND- You only see half-the truth)

I ask you this question, and this alone. Can you explain to me WHY disease started? Not HOW? but WHY? What was the root cause? Please give me a valid explanation? If I get one I will no longer post any further comments on this online forum.