You are correct ... some religion might be well thought out. But that religion would likely be a modern fabrication.

That is why I put in the 100 year caveat.

Lets get down to basics ... either there is a god that is older than the universe and created it or there is a fantasy used by alpha males to control the behaviour of others. Is there a third choice?

If the former than it MUST be consistent for ALL of human history since this entity didn't just reveal itself in the last 100 years.

Can some good come from religion and religious teachings? Absolutely. But far less than would come from equal effort put into facing the truth with integrity. We are a natural result of the physics and chemistry that is fundamental to this universe. We are not here by choice and we are not here by design. We can choose to do good things or we can choose to do bad things or we can choose to do absolutely nothing of note. If you want your life to have meaning you need to get off your bottom and do something meaningful.

Not warm and fuzzy but a lot more honest than ... telling people they have a choice between eternal pain and suffering and living in heaven with the angels ... if only they will give you their money and do what you tell them to do.

DA Morgan