DA said ? ?On what basis do you believe in your but reject his??

REP: At the centre of my faith lies an historical figure that I find to be unlike anyone else found in myth or legend. I accept that the proof of his existence and actions is not beyond question ? but there is enough there for those who wish, to explore further and see if Christ really does impact their life. Cascioli?s bid to take the evidence to court has been thrown out, but we are likely to see the case in the European Court as he is heading there. The decision either way will not make one bit of difference to most Christians who experience the undeniable presence of Christ in their life. And of course they will be called irrational, dishonest and unhinged ? and they won?t care either. Christ said the world would hate us and Paul said we will be thought foolish, so we expect nothing less. I accept that you think I am a sad moron for believing in something that cannot be verified.

From your perspective, I believe in a made up God and from my perspective you worship science and have a blind faith in humanity?s ability to right all things.

I am not anti-science except when it is elevated to the status of religion. We are destroying this planet and have already destroyed many of the species that inhabit it. Most of this has been fostered by our own inventions. We invented tools and then promptly used them to kill each other and lay waste to our environment. Science is great until it gets into the hands of people ? until it gets into the hands of the corporations hell-bent on making a buck at any cost ? until it gets out of the lab and is perverted by the masses. Science can no more separate itself from the Second World War and Hiroshima than can Christianity from the Crusades. Science has given us the ability to destroy this planet and is utterly devoid of any ability to deal with the one thing that is driving Global Warming and everything else that threatens us on a global scale ? Human Selfishness.

In the face of cataclysmic climate change we cannot give up our self indulgent lifestyles. In the UK the government has just refused permission for a wind-farm that would generate electricity for 100,000 homes ? because it bowed to the ?not in my back-yard? brigade. These people would rather see it scuppered than ?do their bit? for the environment. The USA continues to do what it wants and damn Kyoto. China is developing at an incredible pace and India won?t be far behind ? joining in the destruction of the environment like the rest of us. And in England, (where we all know as much as anyone else that if we don?t change we are doomed) we are moving to driving SUVs by the thousands. How will science really save us? How will what is done in a lab somewhere deal with the human consumer?

I find your faith in science and rational thought as our saviour, to be as bankrupt as you feel my faith is.

Almost everything Jesus said challenged our selfish natures. The message was to subjugate our own wants and desires to the greater good and put physical possessions in their place, instead of being driven to acquire them. This has always been seen as a needless suppression of everything we want to do that is enjoyable, but in fact goes right to the heart of the human condition and is now the one thing that society needs more than anything else ? the ability to grow up and realise that there is a price to be paid if we continue to have everything we desire. I know many Christians who live a frugal existence and who try to resist the all powerful consumerism that is devouring us.

I did not drive a car until I was thirty, but went everywhere on a bicycle. I bought a car when I became married. This was because I wanted to do my part in reducing carbon emissions. I know the non-religious do this also, but I personally wouldn?t have done it if my Christianity had not given me the framework of going without for the greater good.

How is science going to change people?s behaviour? Bush denies the need for Kyoto and puts his faith in science to give us technological solutions but it will be too little too late. And even with all of the needed technology in our hands we will still be selfish ? we will still think we can have our cake and eat it. What can be fashioned in a laboratory that will change that? How will knowing Pi to 10,000,000 decimal places change that?

What does science say of compassion, mercy, selflessness or justice?

I am not saying we do not need scientists ? far from it, and science is an incredible endeavour that will play an enormous part in righting human affairs ? but it will not get us the whole way, and people who believe it will do so are as guilty as anyone of an arrogant and blind faith.

As for ?I dunno maytey?s? new age science, it is a pick and mix feel-good rubbish that allows you to believe and feel warm and glowing without any of the cost of Christianity that demands that the true believer dies to their own needs and lives to others needs instead. You can be new age and do anything you please and believe anything you please. I do not see this as Christianity?s equal on any level.
